Monday, April 25, 2011

Manic Monday

Sooo today has been more crazy busy than normal!  Our Little Man returned to school today.  And he was super excited.  The boy loves school.  He is an A student, loves math, loves perfect attendance, he's just a dream when it comes to school.  He is still on antibiotics for the rest of the week, so once a day I go to school to give him his meds.  School is only 7 minutes away.  Then he goes this afternoon and gets to have his bandages changed and to see his toes for the first time since his surgery.  And the rain just won't stop.  Oh goodness I'm soo over the rain.  So needless to say I had to change clothes after chores this am.  Did I mention that we have added to the critter list?  We now have 34 meat chicks and 2 ducks.  Not to mention the 19 turkeys! And we are currently working on Mr. M for potbellied pigs.  What's a few more critters.

Our rain gauge at 11 am. 

One of our smaller water puddles.
So yesterday was Easter and we spent the afternoon with Mr. Ms family.  Its was a good time. We had lots to eat and it was great for Little Man to get out of the house.  I did something I rarely do and didn't take my camera!  I thought I would just enjoy the day with my family.  I hope all of you had a wonderful  and blessed day.  And my new friends over at Two Girls In the Country gave me great names for a few of our new girl calves, so I will share those this week.  Thanks Girls!  Happy Monday To all of YOU!

1 comment:

Marli said...

Great to hear that your boy is getting better! And glad to hear that you had a great Easter!!
Blessings to you on Tuesday!!