Friday, May 13, 2011

How much is too much?

I recently started going through the photos files on my laptop and desktop.  I usually try and do this twice a year.  Well I did it in January and have just started again.  It is not a short process.  On my laptop I have 38 files of photos and the desktop has over 100.  The reason for redoing it again sooo soon is that I have Facebook and some of my supposed friends on there have been "borrowing" my photos.  So even though they are embedded and you cannot print them without them being pixelated, I also copyrighted them.
So how many files do you keep on you computer?  Do you seperate them all out?  And how often do you put them on cd and delete them from your computer to make room for new pictures?  I'm just bein nosey.  Have a great Day!

Duff trying to carry off Punkin...

Duff waiting patiently will I check cows.


Sarah said...

Ugh! I would rather clip my toenails than clean out my hard drive. I normally keep pix for about a year and usually end up deleting them in the winter because I have more time then. Shame on those people for doing that to you! Have a great weekend!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Not cleaning out as often as I should...but I have started burning them all to a cd and storing it's not so cluttered in my old one crashed, but just before it did it prompted me to back up my old pics. I have lots of just "pics" that need to be weeded thru...daunting task!

Unknown said...

I'm with Sarah - Yuck! My comp. still has pics from when our oldest was born and my mom just helped me recover 1,140 files from One Of my camera cards! I can't seem to even get around to sorting through to delete the junk so I can print them! Maybe I need to hire you out to get me up to speed! :)

Anonymous said...

This is one thing about digital cameras.... a body tends to take a ton, and its so easy to just put them on the computer. Then before you know it, there are 20 billion!