Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I never put recipes on my blog.  It's not because I don't love to cook.  I really do.  It's just that there are times when I have to fly by the seat of my pants to get a meal on the table because, as much as I'm a planner, the best laid plans sometimes go by the way side.  I love fall and winter cooking, soups, stews, comfort food.  And I have mentioned some of those recipes on my Facebook Page and had lots of requests for them.  And there are plenty of my blogger friends who share recipes that I try.  So as of January my goal will be to post at least one recipe a month.
I hope everyone is having a great week.  Take care.

1 comment:

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

I'm always thinking I will post a recipe too...and it doesn't happen, neither do the pics of the food. lol

Maybe I should make a goal of 1 a month too...that seems reasonable?!?!?