Today was a busy day at the farm. We slept in, which never happens. During the week our morning starts at 4:45 and ends usually round 9-10. But today we slept till 9...which my husband wondered if I was ill because even on the weekends I'm up and moving by 7.
We had breakfast, Mark fed. Then he came in and we got our supplies together and marked tags. We bundled up and headed to the barn. While he was turning the show calves back out he mentioned to me to check the cows. We have our first calf due February 1.... I went to the barn and went to go through the gate and standing there looking all cute and fuzzy was a little black calf! I immediatley yelled for Mark and he came running. Well our cow decided to calve early.
So we proceeded to get her to the calving pens and get the little guy warm. Did I mention it was a bull calf? Yes, it was. Anyway we got them moved to the warmth of the barn.
Then we proceeded to do what we went out to do. We deliced and tagged all of replacement heifers. Then we castrated a bull calf we hadn't gotten to. We are feeding out a few for the freezer. It amazes me that the 4 of us can go through a whole side of beef in less than 12 months!
Then we went and look at some heifers and came home and worked outside a little longer, then came into the warmth. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Now to get some rest and get started on a busy week ahead.
Peace and Love Everyone!