It's officially 2013!
I am truly amazed at how fast this last year has went by.
I have decided that I am not doing New Year's resolutions.
Instead I am going to make a list of all the things that I would like to add to my life.
Our Duff, he's such a handsome boy |
Possum, she is so hard to get a picture of.
She is constantly in motion. |
Hank, he's still trudging along and we are so glad.
We went holler hoppin this past summer.
MR. M's dad turned 70 this past year.
We celebrated by going to downtown Indy to the Eagle's Nest.
We introduced a pile of cats to the farm this year.
And we still have a lot of them and they are doing their jobs.
We had our 2nd annual family show cattle sale this past year.
We are excited to see the calves out at the shows.
We had a bad year for the crops due to drought.
And we have had a lot of moisture, so hopefully this year will be much better.
My grandmother turned 90 this past year.
I can only imagine what she has seen in her 90 years.
The babies have started a new show season.
Little Mister is in his fourth year of showing cattle.
Little Lady is in her second year.
And they are both excited about the calves that will start coming from their show heifers.
We have had a fun and exciting year!
And like everyone we have had a roll a coaster of a year.
As a family we have grown by leaps and bounds.
So with that being said, here are a few things I am wanting to add to my life.
I would like to find a church family to join. Spend more time as a family.
Stay more connected with my friends near and far.
Get all my record keeping organized.
Stretch my photography by doing Project 365.
Start a savings for a trip to Alaska.
What big plans do you have for the new year?
Oh what a year you have had. I think you will do anything you put your mind to. Your Grandmother being 90 is something that makes me happy as I can imagine her blogging about all she has seen and learned over those years.
Alaska now you are heading North to me:) Have a great year I will be watching. HUG B
Sounds like a great year!I'm excited to see your 365 pictures, I already like the ones you've posted on facebook!
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